Shabbat Project 2016
On Friday 11th of November Magen David Adom Victoria, Elwood Talmud Torah & Melbourne Hebrew Congregation came together with over 190 guests both young & old to welcome in the Shabbat Project for 2016 at Elwood Shule. Guests enjoyed a musical Kabbalat Shabbat service with Rabbi Shmuel Karnowsky & Ronny Kowadlo followed by a Shabbat [...]
Techniques to Save a Life
Magen David Adom ran a First Aid course together with Real First Aid for 14 participants on Tuesday 23rd of August. Updating the community in First Aid is a priority for Magen David Adom. Making sure they have the knowledge to assist in any emergency, and knowing the latest techniques to Save a Life. [...]
Victoria University Paramedic Discipline Study Tours
In 2014, Magen David Adom in Israel (MDA) facilitated a unique opportunity for final year undergraduate Paramedic Science students at Victoria University (VU) to engage in a clinical placement program as part of the developing relationship between these two organisations. This inaugural study tour attracted in excess of 80 applications from students, and this popularity [...]
Yom Achdut
Magen David Adom Victoria brought the Jewish community of Melbourne together to celebrate Yom Achdut. Around the world over 1 million people came together to celebrate Jewish unity, inspired by the sense of unity that engulfed the Jewish world at the time of the kidnapping of Eyal, Gil-ad and Naftali, communities around the world are [...]