Our People

Glynis Lipson has been involved with Magen David Adom since 2000. Her first experience with MDA Victoria was phoning for the Annual Appeal. The then Co-President, David Bendel, suggested that she come to a Committee meeting – which was the beginning of a close working relationship with David for the next nine years.

MDA’s sole purpose – the saving of human lives, regardless of race, religion or creed – is what drew her to become involved. Glynis has seen, firsthand in Israel, how MDA workers and volunteers risk their own lives to save others – with devotion, love and passion.

Representing MDA Australia, Glynis has attended the International MDA Conference together with representatives of nineteen other countries – all supporting the work of MDA in Israel.

Chairperson: Glynis Lipson Office Staff:
Executive: Gary Bryfman (Honorary Treasurer)
David Sherr
Bernice Stub
Carla Sharp (Honorary Secretary)
Office & Finance Manager
Administration & Data Coordinator
Community Liaison & Administration Officer
Community Liaison & Admin Assistant
Emma Lipson
Olivia Benkel
Rachel Pitt
Carla Sharp
Committee: Anita Baker
Gary Braun
Julia Caplan
Zev Degen
Leonie Fleiszg
Ruth Kurc
Sharon Malecki
Hilary McMahon
Judy Raleigh
Eva Scharf
John Sojka
Sadie Stolar
Life Members: Eric Aufgang – z”l
Sara Baron – z”l
David Bendel – z”l
Paul Fryberg – z”l
Stan Goldman – z”l
Bella Meylikh
Joe Saltzman
John Sojka
Helen Szer – z”l
Honorary Solicitor: Jesse Sharp – P&B Law Auditor: Black & Krantz
Glynis Lipson
Office Staff:
Office & Finance Manager
Emma Lipson
Administration & Data Coordinator
Olivia Benkel
Community Liaison & Administration Officer
Rachel Pitt
Community Liaison & Administration Assistant
Carla Sharp
Gary Bryfman (Honorary Treasurer)
David Sherr
Bernice Stub
Carla Sharp (Honorary Secretary)
Anita Baker
Gary Braun
Julia Caplan
Zev Degen
Leonie Fleiszg
Ruth Kurc
Sharon Malecki
Hilary McMahon
Judy Raleigh
Eva Scharf
John Sojka
Sadie Stolar
Life Members:
Eric Aufgang – z”l
Sara Baron – z”l
David Bendel – z”l
Paul Fryberg – z”l
Stan Goldman – z”l
Bella Meylikh
Joe Saltzman
John Sojka
Helen Szer – z”l
Honorary Solicitor:
Jesse Sharp – P&B Law
Black & Krantz