Once again, Victoria University Paramedic Students travelled abroad to Israel for 3 weeks of intense training with Magen David Adom in Israel. They completed 224 shifts on road with 29 cardiac arrest cases, 2 babies delivered, 74 life threatening cardiac arrhythmias, a number of traumas, and many other cases.

The group in my mind has gained in three weeks what would have taken well over a year in Victoria to accumulate in experience, and for this they will become better paramedics. Many have said they will also return to Israel to work or at least holiday. I cannot again thank you enough for the work that you do, and for the important friendship between MDA and VU that enables these trips to occur – Gavin Smith, Associate Professor, Bachelor of Health Science (Paramedic), College of Health & Biomedicine, Victoria University

My time in Israel was an adventure from the start; overwhelmed by the beautiful landscape, people and food. Especially the Hummus! The adventure was enhanced with the opportunity to observe and be involved with MDA. The knowledge and clinical skills I was introduced to by MDA’s paramedics has enhanced my own education in a way I would never have been able to achieve without this experience in Israel.

~ Alison

Having the chance to study abroad and work with Magen David Adom (M.D.A) was a once in a lifetime opportunity. It was great to see the similarities between M.D.A and Ambulance Victoria (A.V), and especially interesting to see the differences. The roster that paramedics, volunteers, and drivers work is something I commend, it just goes to show their level of commitment to their patients and their communities.

Crews took the time to clarify why they did or didn’t do things and explain the jobs as they unfolded when time permitted. They were accommodating and accepting of us and would go out of their way to make us feel welcome.

For anyone interested or thinking about taking part in a study tour with M.D.A I could not recommend it highly enough. Since being back my class mates have asked me if the trip was worth it, and I can answer with a resounding yes!

I hope that we can soon return the favour and have members from M.D.A come and see how we operate here in Australia. A program like this is invaluable, not only to students but also to practising paramedics, I hope that this relationship continues for many years. To everyone involved both here in Australia and our friends in Israel, thank you! This was an experience I won’t soon forget.


Working alongside the dedicated paramedics of MDA has been a truly rewarding experience. The knowledge and skills I have gained will assist me throughout my career. Im leaving Israel inspired by its beauty and motivated by the clinical work I’ve experienced.

~ Christine

Outstanding crews and an incredible experience! Lots of interesting cases which has enhanced and expanded my clinical knowledge. Thanks MDA for the opportunity to learn from your incredible ambulance service!

~ Celine