Blood Brothers


As of March 17, 2020, some 324 Israelis have been diagnosed with Corona patients, over 73,000 are in isolation, tens of thousands are confined to their homes due to cancellation of studies and the partial closure of the country, the country in silence. This situation created a real lack of blood donations and jeopardized Israel’s blood supply.

In recent days, MDA’s blood services asked the citizens to come and donate, and indeed, many Israelis have come to donate nationwide, donating blood and good will. However, the desired amount of blood has not yet been collected.

Those who responded and rushed to help are the Binyamin Regional Brigade fighters whose troops and staff donated dozens of additional units in a special donation campaign with MDA. The donations continued throughout the day, strictly adhering to the Ministry of Health’s procedures to prevent the virus infection.

This is not the first time that the Yehuda and Samaria Brigade is rushing to join MDA and the citizens of the state, it was only last October that soldiers from the Samaria Brigade donated 1551 units, thus breaking the Israeli record for blood donation in one day!

The Medical Officer of the Binyamin Regional Brigade, Lieutenant Rotem Arbib: * ‘These days we are all fighting to minimize the spread of the Corona, and so now, more than ever, the State of Israel needs the initiative and giving of the soldiers for the public. I am proud that the soldiers of the “Benyamin” brigade were today harnessed for the blessed blood donation and life saving. ”

* Professor Shinar, MDA Deputy Director General- Blood Services Added: “MDA’s blood services are grateful to all the wonderful blood donors in the Benyamin Brigade who joined in the national effort to increase blood supply in Israel. By joining thousands of citizens and citizens who come to MDA donation sites around the country to save the lives of patients who need blood transfusions.